Tuesday, 22 January 2008

And now for something completely uninspiring...

Despite being a fairly old news story now (9th Jan), this is a subject that has been bubbling along at the back of my psyche recently, and so I have decided to share my views on the 4th plinth debate. Going past Trafalgar Square everyday as I do, it is a subject I muse on day after day. No really, I do.

Of the 6 proposed installations, I'm not sure I can really say I love any of them Anthony Gormley has a good track record, after his beautiful rooftop male sculptures in London last year, and his Angel of the North, but the proposal to have a series of volunteers on the plinth doing what they wish, albeit, one would hope, within reason (health and safety measures included, as seen above), seems a little gimicky. Similarly Tracey Emin's lemmings peering over the edge, and Jeremy Dellers burnt out car (representing the 'spoils of war') do not have any of the power of the first installation Ecce Homo (right) by Mark Wallinger. But then, the current occupant, Hotel 2007 by Thomas Schutte is not a particularly powerful piece, although it does add some colour to the square. Shonibare's model of Lord Nelson's ship Victory, with printed fabric sails (left) could make an interesting choice, but really, I do think the public could be provided with something more...inspiring. Of course, I have no idea what this could be. But that's why i'm not an artist, i'm just a blogger writing to myself. Goodness Tuesdays are hard.

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