Monday, 29 September 2014

Disastrous baking

Pinterest is bad for me. Very very bad for me. All those effortlessly easy recipes, beautifully styled and supposedly created by a busy working mum of three. Hah.

I'm posting this to point out that the best of intentions can create hilarious results.

As a result of this post from the great Hip Hop Sideproject, I decided rainbow cupcakes were the perfect accompaniment to the Bowie cake toppers I bought on a whim.

It started off excitingly:
 Reached a slight problem - forgot I don't have a muffin tray. Ah well, shove them all together, sure it will be fine:

 Ah. Not fine. Very much not fine. Very much like a small child has been in control of the kitchen:

Shove a bit of icing on it, and Bowie. Bowie fixes everything:

Wow, Bowie doesn't fix everything. Who knew?!
My cakes have not been very popular at work today. Philistines.

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