I listened to Morrissey on Desert Island Discs on Sunday. I very rarely listen to live radio (iPlayer all the way), but I felt that it was important to listen to it at the same time as everyone else. Plus I was painting my kitchen.
It was wonderful. Morrissey was amusing and warm, and Kirsty Young utterly starstruck. You should listen on iPlayer. Really you should.
Inevitably, it brought up the question of what my seven tracks would be. Marc and I were in a lovely tapas bar in Honor Oak (Tapastry) and spent a few minutes looking like losers, tapping our respective lists onto our iPhones.
This is the list I gave. I don't think it's the right one, but I'm going to have fun going back to it every now and then, to see what stays, and what doesn't.
In no particular order;
The White Stripes - Hotel Yorba
Le Tigre - Deceptacon
Pulp - Mis-Shapes
Prokofiev - Romeo & Juliet (Dance of the Knights)
Moldy Peaches - Anyone Else but You
Patrick Wolf - Magic Position
The Carpenters - Yesterday Once More
So yes. I'd like to point out that I've always loved the Prokofiev, even before the awesomeness of The Apprentice. But I suspect it's appearance in this list is just to make myself appear to be slightly cultured.
And yes - I've always loved Moldy Peaches. Neither to I make any apologies for The Carpenters.
What is most surprising is how few of my favourite bands appear on this. I'm pretty sure I should have a Smiths song on there - but which one? That's more the problem.
Back to work. I've loved listening to all these songs this afternoon. Go on YouTube and find the proper Pulp video (it wouldn't let me embed) - it's ace.