Am I naive? Of course I don't expect a high standard of reporting from the Express. There aren't many that read it for an incisive view of current affairs (actually, I'm not sure there are many that read it at all), but I was absolutely shocked that the chain of command at the Express decided that this;
story about the survivors of the Dunblane massacre was a good idea, and no
t the disgustingly offensive piece of vitriol it seems to me. How DARE they? I had intended to write a rather longer piece about how this is not only a massively unpleasant invasion of privacy, but the sort of misplced holier-than-thou preaching which has become the norm in certain parts of the British press, which exist apparently only to keep us all in a heightened state of outrage. But just thinking about it has made me tired, and it should really be patently obvious to anyone who reads it quite how abhorrent this piece is. The rest is below;
I came across the story on Twitter, via @Glinner, which creates an interesting topic, perhaps best left for another time. The second image is thanks to @OneInchMan.